Long Form

: I wanted to check out the rocks, but didn’t have cash on me. Do kids lemonade stands need a square …

: Snowing in Seattle.

: Conversation at work: “I think custom GTPs are useless” vs “there are some valid …

: Carrot seems to have hit the nail on the head. It’s not a good sign when the weather app disses your …

: What company and product, today, do you believe has the most modern, intuitive, UI?

: This isn’t the flex you think it is.

: A good UX rule is always that things should behave the way they users expect them to. Another …

: It’s that time again. Live every day like it’s your opening day with hope that doesn’t fade. …

: A fun perk of running your own online business is that I get to put some of my own photos as …

: The saddest use of AI… “I swear. I’ve got black friends. Just look at these pictures!” …

: Sign you are old #989…. You learn about new music, from bands you liked, from Peloton classes …

: I love when VS Code Copilot suggests reasonable things and I have to tell it… “Well - …

: They should have just said “We’re going to be offering a happy hour menu”. Then it …

: Enshitification comes for… fast food? Wow. Of course non-fast food places have been doing …

: My guess is that they realized self driving AI is still a long ways off and don’t want to be early …

: The key line in all of these judgements… “Mr. Trump will appeal, and the case could take months if …

: My AI predictions for AI in 2024: Cheaper + Faster + Marginally Better = Real opportunities. …

: Been thinking about how to prepare my kids for the AI world. Soft skills. Understanding people …

: Played Ransom Note with the kids tonight. The liberal education got them good. :) I detect no lies. …

: Really enjoyed Astra Lumina in Seattle last week.

: Just childish. Shareholders need to get Elon fired from Tesla. His shitty Twitter beefs are now …

: Will 2024 be the year tech companies say “I guess some of those people were doing things.”

: From Threads… the last picture of a building I took.

: How does your product enable a “cheat mode” for your customers? If you can build for laziness then …

: It’s raining and my watch knows who to blame this on.

: Oh - there are important notifications on our Business X account. Let’s see what those …

: From the Christmas cruise on lake Washington tonight.

: We found the line to getting kicked out of government. It wasn’t the big lie. It’s not leading an …

: Exploring beyond my own hood tonight.

: For the people that say they don’t want to see AI generated art? How do you feel about photoshopped …

: I actually enjoyed updating the KickoffLabs terms of service today to include our “No Scrubs” …

: Evening neighborhood lights stroll.

: Dear lazy web. Is there a read it later service that just captures the article, converts it to a …

: Setting up the Thanksgiving table and Lucy dog is all in.

: And the cheesecake is ready to chill.

: Christmas light season has started.

: Whipped up a cyber week offer for KickoffLabs today. Spread the word. …

: Shorter Satya: “we’ll be fine till we hire 50% of the company. Then we’ll be great. “

: AI Cos vs copyrights. Me: turn my dog into a spiderman varient. Dalle-3: No can do. Copyrights! Me: …

: Sam dog as a stand up.

: This article explains why I don’t get it. Among other issues… “Let me put it this way: In public …

: AI is going to have its “moores law” growth moment over the next ten years as companies dump money …

: Good move. It was confusing to even those of us paying attention. Bing Chat is now Microsoft …

: The good news is you’ll be more productive. Maybe your boss will pay you the same for 2 days work? …

: You don’t need animated backgrounds, spinning text, or glowing buttons to drive conversions. …

: Thinking of two word brand names and trying to avoid common mistakes.

: If you are a developer and you don’t think AI is coming to seriously reshape your industry you …

: This. The gap between the person with the idea and the execution is shrinking. “More people will …

: Translating vision to reality wth AI code When I joined Microsoft in 2000 working on Visual Studio the vision was always to remove the …

: Also good advice for parents. Set good examples and get more trash taken out. www.jeffwofford.com

: On GPTs and what’s next OpenAi was not the first at creating AI personas. But they’ve done it best so far. The future will …

: AI Beatles are coming. The only question is how the lawsuits will shake out.

: Most fitting family costume.

: Happy Halloween!

: Cold, but pretty day for Sam and I to run.

: Sad to see this place (and others) closing. I thought VR arcades had a chance to take off, but they …

: Enjoy life like Lucy dog.

: A fun afternoon exploring Vashon island with our new little and fur babies.

: Celebrating Sam dogs 4th birthday with a couple of treats.

: Testing a new headline and tagline this week. Thoughts?

: You can’t design for everyone. Two pieces of software can solve the same problems in two very …

: Purple potatoes?

: This also applies to running a bootstrapped SaaS company.

: Finally got the Kickofflabs AI campaign builder working for waitlist campaigns and able to draft …

: Is it enough for existing companies to add-on AI or do they need to rethink from an AI-first …

: It’s not shipping for a week or so, but here is a pass at the KickoffLabs lead based pricing …

: Over the weekend I had a few minutes so I added filtering to the AI tool (sparks) in Content Spark. …

: Has AI gone too far here? Nah. Just right. youtu.be/EHUPDaXLu…

: The plan for 8/25 Going to try and start small, today, and prioritize a few things. Next two videos recorded for the …

: I’ve done a terrible job of planning my weeks and personal prioritization for a while. As a …

: What’s the first true viral promotion you witnessed on the internet? One that made you say “really? …

: Fidelity has to have my least favorite password system. Long list of rules… but tops out at …

: Been looking for places where people have good discussions questions about generative AI. Thought …

: Today in “texts from my teenager” Ummm….

: Spent a bunch of time with our 5yo niece today and I wonder what percentage of American kids now …

: The framing here does a lot of work. “Biden has ‘legal problems’” implies he caused them. “A law …

: Nice view for a Sunday afternoon. :)

: How long does an average, vaccinated, covid infection stay with you? This is my cardio recovery …

: Distillers that want to produce whiskey often start by making gin or vodka so they can make money …

: Would anyone subscribe to a short, daily, podcast where each episode is a single AI prompting tip?

: Crypto and Web 3 companies all follow the Donald trump pay for services method… delay delay delay… …

: It’s easy to get thrown off by competitors in your space. You watch so closely. To you it looks like …

: Todays internship goal: turn the kids into advanced AI prompt writers for ContentSpark.Ai.

: As a business that has connection points with Twitter/X… Do you go ahead and rebrand/label …

: Dudes pitch was so close. But if he can go lower than zero I guess that’s interesting.

: A huge reason Social Media took over websites for small business… no one ever knew how to update …

: One of the hardest founder skills is learning not to chase every potential customer. You’ll bend …

: The Barbie movie was a blast. “And I assume you are here for Barbie “ - assistant to the regional …

: There’s nothing more motivating to an early stage founder than user momentum. People trying your app …

: What does AI let you do? I hired my kids (11 and 13) to be my content producers. Descript makes the …

: I’ve heard of scaling issues while products are scaling up, but Twitter is having them while …

: If AI is going to take over text based content then how will you stand out? You need to dominate …

: How much effort do you put into automated testing an MVP release?

: AI is both over and under hyped. Some people think #AI is overhyped and that AI products are going to crash hard. AI predictions are …

: Tonight we fix the bugs.

: You will ship bugs and things that bug you. Probably a bunch. The hardest part of shipping is …

: Added a second intern to the KickoffLabs video content farm today.

: “No fate but what we make” - the hidden founders credo.

: Tonight on operation Content Spark. I’ve been wrapping up the view of individual #ai sparks …

: Do you use AI tools for work? I’d love to know how. Don’t worry. I won’t tell your boss.

: When I just have an hour I always ask myself “what could I ship an an hour”. There’s always …

: Pretty cool - you can now signup to KickoffLabs with your Google account or connect it to your …

: Threads was smart for making one click follows obvious. It will be interesting to see how the vibe …

: Is it me or does the mastodon community really hate seeing others happy and having fun?

: Sometimes we all need a little break from the world. Even good dogs.

: Got some advice from the interns (my kids) last night and started work on cleaning up the Content …

: The most useful #AI prompt: “say the same thing with half as many words.” You may want to run it …

: You think Mastodon is hard to join? Wait till you see a thread you want to reply to on a Lemmy …

: It amazes me that Meta can’t figure out how to stop this form of SPAM that’s gotten way …

: That feeling when you know horrible things are coming.

: End of an era for marketing? Good read if you run, or are thinking about running, a SAAS business. Things that rang true: Prepare …

: Happy Monday! If you fired up #chatgpt for work today I’d love to talk to you about #ai and …

: 20 minutes in and Wakanda Forever is already 10x better than AntMan Quanumania. #betterlatethannever

: Shitty web3 companies remain shitty web3 companies that run with the wanabee grifters they feed off …

: Went out to eat at the local bar by myself. Decided I’d try and talk to people instead of staring at …

: I’m also building out the ability for people to start with simpler workflows. Input > AI …

: Last night I started re-organizing Content Spark around the concept of AI+Human workflows. …

: And done. Just in time for dinner. #buildinpublic

: Walls built. Then my drill battery died. Time for a break. #buildinpublic

: Step one: shed platform built. #buildinpublic #notallbuildsaresoftwarw

: Happy dogday.

: As a builder I’m excited to ship a bunch of things. I feel pressure on myself to do so. I have to …

: The intern, Gabe, thought our YouTube thumbnails were boring. So, as a good manager, you bring it …

: KickoffLabs Summer Internship Program Someone was told that video games cost money and now KickoffLabs has a summer intern. :) He’s …

: Feed > Posts > Input > Persona + prompts > Output multiple results > Human moderated …

: Gave up trying to teach Chat GPT JSON to get multiple options in responses. Just not reliable enough …

: Do Supreme Court justices ever ask themselves “gee - why do all these billionaires suddenly want to …

: Here’s a nifty little pack of animations from an indie creator: tailwindanimations.co

: Me: “huh. Who could have said CIS is a slur?” “Oh” Me: (giving seriously creepy looks at anyone …

: Where are the best AI and prompt related communities today?

: I’m all about an MVP, but I want to do a little bit of UI cleanup tonight on contentspark.ai. …

: Have you documented the common AI prompts and/or workflows for your business you want your team to …

: Ok - it was pretty similar to the Spark work I’ve got done. Now Sparks support Personas! …

: Tonights goal for ContentSpark.ai is to add support for Personas for workflows. So you are working …

: OpenAI is going to move hard on these deals so create lock-in. Harder for startups to sign deals …

: Do you use AI for work at your company? If so - hit reply here. I’d love to chat. I’m …

: The first Episode of the new Black Mirror “Joan is awful” was very good. …

: AI bias is going to be a much bigger problem than an AI takeover. Trained models tend to exaggerate …

: I think I drove it crazy. It’s time for bed. #buildinpublic

: I really wanted to be able to tell which prompt was generating results since the current UI …

: Didn’t get it done tonight. On the bright side I learned a lot of cool debugging …

: How many people give ChatGPT a “voice”/role to play when writing content?

: Tonight on Content Spark is finishing customizable sparks so you can copy and create them using the …

: Calling it a night on contentspark.ai. Not shippable yet, but you can now create custom sparks for …

: And so it’s begun. #buildinpublic Scaffolds are good. #contentspark contentspark.ai

: My #buildinpublic goal for tonight (I hope) is to move contentspark.ai from all hard-coded sparks to …

: My package - that was out for delivery at 9am - could not be delivered today due to “the weather”. …

: Who doesn’t love waiting till the last few minutes of a 4 hour delivery window?

: Not all AI generated code suggestions are created equal.

: Is there anyone out there that likes the multiple profile Chrome feature? I’m signed into my …

: Confirmed. If you pay the Elon tax you can be visible in Twitter search again. Why not just come …

: Let’s see how it’s going at twitter for our company account. Oh - looks like we’ve …

: Slack seems concerned about my notification detox. Yeah slack. That’s the point.

: Went through and turned off ALL notifications except for texts on my phone/watch. Today has felt …

: Can we please not with articles like this? It goes on to say it’s the equivalent of 123 cars in an …

: Does anyone maintain a library of different AI prompts to be re-used when needed for repetitive …

: And climate change just kept slinking right under our noses. I wonder why. …

: Got my first set of trial customer feedback on Content Spark! Fixed one bug and agreed with his many …

: What’s it called when two runners wave as they pass each other? A runners high! #dadjoke

: What do peas listen to when they go out for a walk? Podcasts. #dadjoke #illbehereallweek

: Is there a tool people use to send personalized, in app, video messages to customers? #sales …

: Was driving to therapy. Saw this plate. Pretty sure I can just turn around now. :) Agreed?

: It’s gotten to the point where I expect the next story to be “Texas governor lowers …

: The government shouldn’t worry. Tik tok is about 3-5 years from a death spiral. How do I know? I’m …

: Today I made the mistake of replying to a VCs post on Twitter. I was immediately “mask …

: Also updated the Content Spark home page last night. Does this speak to you if you work on social …

: What’s the best web (not native) app UI you use regularly on mobile for work? #lazyweb …

: Hit a big milestone with ContentSpark.AI yesterday. You can now connect your blog feeds to Content …

: Who drove it worse? Tesla really missed the branding on all their driver assist and autopilot features by calling it …

: Which is a worse way to start the day? Jumping on the phone with a big Co ? or having to figure out …

: I take any concerns about the MLB pitch clock about as seriously as this article. The game needed …

: Run by this constant memorial all the time.

: Up earlier than usual. Half way through the run with my running buddy.

: What’s a recent “wow” moment or experience you’ve had with a company, …

: Lake Washington seems a little high lately.

: Related note - the service I use to cross post to Twitter is ending in July. So unless Twitter makes …

: There are like 10 people that keep me signed into twitter. I keep waiting for them to migrate …

: Analytics porn… as an entrepreneur when you stare into chart after chart hoping to find something …

: In case anyone is wondering. I’ll happily accept payments from friendly billionaires for private …

: “You can not look for the answer. You must be the answer.”

: Does anyone really believe this answer? That removing Google Analytics will not lower your SEO …

: Good lesson here. growth over savings

: I like that ChatGPT doesn’t judge my spelling. It just rolls with it.

: Had the first person sign up for a trial of contentspark.ai last night! They’ve already …

: I have a love / hate relationship with the advice “just make your business 1% better every day. “ …

: Just soft-launched the contentspark.ai MVP beta. Anyone can sign up for a 7-day (no CC) trial now. …

: A problem I have when I dig into a straightforward task for my company is that I always see related …

: Will Mastodon Evolve? I’ve been enjoying Mastodon so far, but I agree with this article’s warnings: …

: Mention Mastadon on twitter and get a warning? Let’s see.

: Yup. I don’t know.

: It’s happened. No matter how innocuous a thing you say now on Mastadon to inspire people the reply …

: Watching the whole Blue Checkmark thing play out. There so many better ways to add subscription …

: Has a message that starts with “I hope this email finds you well..” ever been anything …

: Stayed up way too late last night, making home page updates to ContentSpark. I’m not sure this …

: What do you use today to manage your social media posting? Buffer? Hootsuite? Nothing? What does …

: Took longer than expected to get S3 up and running in Active Storage for Content Spark. Here’s …

: Tonight’s indulgence (that is totally not required to ship this thing): Spending too much time …

: Sent out a couple of invites to contentspark.ai tonight. Hit me up if you want to get in on the next …

: Celebrating the winners of capitalism... We should build a museum to honor billionaires in DC. A “Capitalism hall of fame” if you …

: The “Invited by Nudge Bar” was just a preview of what we were after. A smart nudge bar …

: Supreme Court: congress should pass laws instead of relying on the court. Congress: Courts: No. Not …

: Kudos to Twitter for releasing the algorithm… its as bad as you imagine There’s all sorts of crap that, while totally believable, is still grating to anyone with good …

: Be a tourist in your own city every now and then.

: Is it wrong to get all my news from the weather app? Looks like a nice day.

: I’ve realized another one of my mental hacks is listening to live music. It tricks my brain …

: Watch this 50-second silent demo of how I’ve been using contentspark.ai to promote long form …

: Starting from zero is a humbling experience, but it doesn’t have to be depressing. Pick a …

: The sun can have an amazing positive impact on personal psychology. Get out and enjoy it while it …

: Built a template on KickoffLabs for people to run “National X Day” sweepstakes like …

: Shameless plug. I got contentspark.ai to publish a week of social media posts in < 20 minutes. If …

: Know anyone with a @buffer account or who does a lot of #socialmedia posting for a company? If so - …

: If control of AI means control of the market and data is required to train better AI then the big …

: Junior developers should switch from Stack Overflow copy paste to ChatGPT. It’s going to become …

: Looking for some 90s video-game-inspired web UI inspiration for an upcoming update to Content Spark. …

: Given the data I saw about how important the home page is relative to just about anything else on …

: Removed our SMS auth for the KickoffLabs Twitter account. Logged out. Logged in with the …

: ChatGPT Tells me what my product is good for... Not bad. Re: My previous post. ChatGPT gives a pretty good answer to the question, “What’s a good …

: In defense of ChatGPT and Copilot technologies It’s trendy for people to attack the use of ChatGPT copywriting, but I believe there are very …

: Our updated video tested well so I pushed a messaging update to the home page to match. What do you …

: I used to revel in writing code. Now I get just as much joy deleting it.

: Made a video about the Invited By feature in the Nudge Bar: youtu.be/OECs5Mjeo… Referrals are …

: Here’s a stat that will depress anyone working to restructure their SaaS websites about …

: No one wants to put in the real work Consider ignoring this old man as he yells at his lawn… Does anyone have any magic bullets to …

: My favorite new KickoffLabs feature: The nudge bar featuring “invited by” encourages …

: Day 14: Horizon on the lake.

: I tell my kids all the time there is often no such thing as “the correct way” to get something done. …

: The weather app is on point again today.

: Day 10: ritual. It’s never drinking alone when you have friends.

: Please don’t “TikTokify” everything. Your app could just, you know, do what …

: There’s nothing wrong with the faster horse business. twitter.com/asmartbea…

: As a parent with 2 kids on the verge of getting phones I hope we can all adapt. …

: Day 9: Together.

: “Elon Musk asked managers at Twitter to nominate their best employees for promotion, then …

: Good take on Signup UX for apps. nathanjpowell.com/blog/how-…

: A social media client that injects your local phone pics of the day into your feed to remind you …

: What to do instead of tutorials? Good contextual help you can find again. Good post: …

: If you get 80% of the way on something and then run into an issue, it’s worth considering if …

: Testing out a walking video. What do you think? A good format for small announcements and tips? …

: Day 8: Walk the plank.

: Mostly whole. Day 7.

: Engineering. And history. Day 6.

: On hold with twitter.com/grasshopp… to cancel our account. We moved to Google Voice for …

: Had a few tabs to close this AM. I’m unsure what it means to say I’ll be logged out in …

: Let’s see how our recent posts on Twitter from Kickofflabs are going… Oh… I see. …

: You don’t always need to improve the product. You may need to improve the experience of using the …

: Build rails with VSCode? TIL you can use actually use VSCode debug tools to step through your apps. …

: Photo challenge “tile”. Umm it’s behind the beer.

: People love looking for blueprints to success in product, business, marketing, etc Then they waste …

: Sharing our new product intro once more with the YouTube link that will cross post better. :) …

: I love the new product intro for KickoffLabs, even if I can’t stand the sound of my voice. :)

: Day 3: Lucy likes her #solitude getting back in bed after we’ve all gone to work and school.

: For the Micro.blog photo challenge. Starting on day 2 with “weather”. This was #weather …

: Draft script for kickofflabs home page video - feedback welcome Ok - I’m more than a couple hours into this. I do product demos all the time, but condensing …

: Is demo script writing an all-day event or is that just me?

: The last post on “dumb” features was inspired by this read on Duolingo’s growth: …

: Don’t sleep on “dumb” features if they bring joy. I once presented a reporting …

: It’s been “Video Week” for me at KickoffLabs. In addition to updating tutorials I’m bringing back a …

: You can only do so much to stop your customers from shooting themselves in the foot. Sometimes you …

: This is one of the biggest entrenched incumbent gifts to startups and competitors of all time. …

: Do you need it to look a certain way or do you need results?

: Do you need another feature or do you need better docs and training on existing ones?

: At least this one wasn’t ME on TikTok. www.tiktok.com/@kickoffl…

: I just posted a video on TikTok for Kickofflabs. God help me.

: It’s always good to know a feature is well used even if you find out by fucking it up first.

: Some thoughts on a modern Windows PC Got a windows laptop as a gaming/school PC for my oldest. First time in windows seriously for years …

: I saw the question posted so I have to answer. There is no such thing as a “lightweight” Wordpress …

: The kids and I will sometimes do a “build challenge” in Minecraft where we all do a part of a scene …

: So this… exists.

: Think we could charge an extra $15 a month for KickoffLabs Verified Contests with blue check marks?

: Been thinking for a while that the pandemic broke so many good habits. As a parent there’s less …

: Content management and blogging for business is a shitshow. All I want is an easy client tool that …

: I’ve been enjoying drafting posts on my personal blog to see what sticks and turning good ones …

: It’s a race My kids now prefer to ask ChatGPT for things than search google. My daughter, who likes cooking, …

: What company or service do you use that makes you cringe every time you pay them? But you feel stuck …

: One downside of trying to provide a support experience that’s over and above expectations is …

: Avoid falling into the trap of thinking “I need X to succeed”. It creates a stuck …

: Just starting something is clarifying. If you feel blocked by a complex task just start with a small …

: If you are working on something right now ask yourself how you could ship it in an hour, a day, or …

: Optimizations get thrown out the window As soon as they reach end users… “Google says my page is slow. “ Me: you have 5-6 5MB images …

: A pretty good superbowl so far.

: Is this the future of advertising with AI? I was coding some changes to our Helpscout integration to …

: Late to the game, but gave Descript a spin today and had to upgrade. I’ve got a backlog of …

: Every #saas business is feeling the squeeze in this economy. Not even Mailchimp escapes. …

: Really need something else besides “rise and grind” and with a more positive connotation. “Wake and …

: Twitter is getting desperate. They’ve started using the “notifications” part of …

: Been playing Overcooked 2 this weekend with my kids and it’s a blast. All of you have to work …

: Yup. Went through all 6 stages today and I’m still not sure how it ever worked.

: Can you sell it? 100% this tweet: twitter.com/earthling… It’s a big reason we started KickoffLabs. a. It …

: I keep coming back to this line. So funny. “There’s always money in the banana stand!” Don’t burn …

: The death of search engine marketing. Prediction: within 3 years google will start seeing ad revenue truly decline. Eaten away by apple, …

: Just shipped a few Mugs out to contest winners for KickoffLabs. Also gave away one in a big group …

: What does everyone use for rewarding customer referrals/affiliate software these days?

: Me: Apple Music. Play this song. AM: Here’s a totally different song. Me Clicking: I want this …

: It’s important to dedicate some time to things that just bug you in your app. I was never …

: I don’t even want to show you the before version of this page. This is a huge improvement for …

: Also this week: After a couple of iterations I’m putting down the KickoffLabs dashboard …

: Took a pass at making the KickoffLabs referral program more obvious in the dash. We gave away a …

: If you are on twitter I’m not sure you’ll be able to read my posts anymore after Feb 9th. It’s a …

: I’ve been trying to live January with the mantra “Create. Don’t consume.” It’s hard, but gets easier …

: Nighttime train crossing.

: The “Upside Down” is actually in Ballard?

: Planting seeds Yesterday I said that now is the time to plant seeds for your business. I had a couple of replies …

: Now is the time to plant seeds for your business. #startup #marketing #growth

: Does your product have instructions for drunk users like this pizza? #ui #design #accessibility

: Is there a German word for the feeling when things feel both simple and impossible at the same time?

: With the release of Ivory I’m really enjoying Mastadon more. The sad realization, however, is that a …

: Dear #lazyweb - Does anyone know of a good solution for testing those terrible, no-good, …

: Been adding some finishing touches to this new @kickofflabs@twitter.com feature. End a campaign and …

: Love checking out all the street end parks that meet the water in Seattle.

: Just bought a subscription to Ivory from Tapbots apps.apple.com/us/app/iv… It’s good. I …

: What entrepreneurs could learn from an Airbnb host I’ve been running an AirBnb out of my basement for almost 6 years now. Last year we added a …

: Lake WA is super calm today.

: We do a lot of work to prevent fraudulent/spammy/illegal campaigns from getting created at …

: Want to create themed color palettes quickly? Pick a theme and starting color for your palette and …

: I’m seeing strong negative reaction to ChatGPT charging $49 a month… by people that make way more …

: Hyper-focused on simplification this week. For example: Less text for people to fill/worry about in …

: Really enjoying “Buy Back Your Time” from Dan Martel. It forced me to rethink hiring. I’d always …

: Is loom still what everyone is using for longer instructional videos meant for sending out to teams …

: Photobombing ground squirrel says good morning. What are you working on today?

: And it worked this time! Just shipped a totally new customer onboarding UI and dashboards customized …

: Ok - Briefly broke part of production for the first time in 2023. Let’s try that release again …

: If you rely on Facebook alone to tell you how great your Facebook ads are doing, then you are going …

: No lies detected.

: Ups and downs are rough as a founder. Two dumb mental hacks that help… Be the person the AI thinks …

: Today in Seattle. “The Light is Back”.

: What I want from big social media companies when it comes to “the feed”. A big reset button that …

: I’ve hit the copy/paste/test stage of a big feature update for KickoffLabs, and my current …

: The feeling outside in Seattle today is “dark”.

: Unpopular take: It would be good for #Mastadon to have a better discovery experience for “The …

: I see lots of writers that are fearful of AI and spread FUD with terrible arguements. This is a good …

: Going off grid for social networking This year I took more steps towards going “Off-Grid” for social networking. What …

: Wow. Even the weather app knows. RIP

: Thanks for the replies to my query about screenshot tools yesterday. Bought ScreenShot X, and …

: Avoid design by “what if…” questions. It’s easy to get sucked into the trap of thinking things like …

: This sums up one of the large reasons I’ve been working to extract myself from the larger …

: So Snaggit, from Techsmith, has gotten crazy slow in the latest releases for just capturing and …

: No Code First Impressions with Bubble.io for SAAS Last week I spent a day or so seeing how far I could get with building a SAAS app with a popular …

: Is authentication with 3rd party apps a “microservice” that was accidentally unplugged or did Elon …

: Lucy, part cat, lays on top of the couch when I work there. The look on her face is judgement. …

: In-progress view of what I’m working on today. The more colorful shot is the new UI. Trying to …

: I’ve been playing around with AI. My goal has been to find real-world, practical uses for it …

: What customers do when your product isn’t simple enough.

: New day started with negative covid tests!

: The reaction I’m going for every day when I take a follow-on covid test.

: Torn on this. On one hand, it’s a parent’s job to educate kids about online safety like …

: Spent the evening outlining a series of posts to fill big SEO gaps for @kickofflabs.

: So Microsoft is going all in on AI for search and office. Love it. I will totally replace google if …

: I’ve got lots of motivation to work on things, but soo many different paths to grow the …

: Hate feeling like I’m in Office Space, but you have to keep asking yourself every day… …

: So I built a thing. Takes longer articles and blog entries and turns them into tweetable nuggets to …

: It explains what it feels like attempting computer work with the fog of covid. Hat tip to …

: So much for being the last person in Seattle to get covid. I had a good run. So far I’ve had colds …

: Some of the new KickoffLabs features I shipped this weekend… we showed off in a new contest …

: This. from another josh

: Great feeling to ship a few small features for @kickofflabs in free time Saturday and already seeing …

: So Kaleidoscope is totally worth watching. www.netflix.com/title/809…

: Busy hike up Poo Poo Point today. Sam only looks that derpy half the time.

: Happy new years!

: Everyone needs to know the cases for optimism. It helps whether or not you struggle with it. 💡 Kevin …

: And this was just before the new year, but a good one to sign off from posting some of my favorites. …

: Winthrop in night and day.

: New Years Eve Vibes.

: Looking back in the Mt Bachelor summit. First time Gabe went to the top.

: A collection of the Washington Monument from a visit to DC.

: Optimistic turtle.

: Lucy also excels at side eye. I like this photo because it was taken shortly after getting a flat …

: Lucy and Gabe have a special bond. It’s based on sharing food and pets.

: More random summer favs.

: Whistler in the summer does not suck.

: Just more cool trails in western Wa. Sam dog loves a good trail run.

: Just love all the views around broken top outside of Bend. Even if it was a 13 mile trek.

: Couldn’t leave Sam out of my favorite pics.

: Lucy has an almost 3d look in this hike from Little Si.

: Forgot the obligatory wooden covered bridge from the same trip in the last post. :)

: Quintessential view of a small New England town in the fall.

: Good selfie, but a trip to California really highlighted how bad the western U.S. drought is. We saw …

: Such a cool experience going to the “hidden beach” in Mexico where you had to swim in through a …

: Posting some of my favorite pics from 2022. This was from a Christmas Eve stroll through the market …

: I just enabled an email subscription to my blog for family, friends, and anyone else who wants it. …

: Ok, ChatGPT - I’m pretty impressed. You also document your code way better than me.

: If I Ran It: Peloton becomes THE complete fitness platform This is a thought experiments about what I’d do if I were suddenly put in charge of a different …

: Good post by @jthingelstad here. Especially good points about kids and businesses getting captured …

: Quick Thoughts on Tesla A few thoughts on Tesla now that I’ve transitioned from “The Bird Site”. This …

: Finally got around to updating joshledgard.com and creating a new Micro blog with micro.blog hosted …


: Murica!


: This is a test of a new post!