New Posts from Josh's Blog

Pretty cool - you can now signup to KickoffLabs with your Google account or connect it to your existing KickoffLabs account.

KickoffLabs google account sign in.


When I just have an hour I always ask myself “what could I ship an an hour”.

There’s always something.


Do you use AI tools for work? I’d love to know how.

Don’t worry. I won’t tell your boss.


Tonight on operation Content Spark. I've been wrapping up the view of individual #ai sparks you run that aren't part of a larger workflow. It's all coming soon in a big update on



“No fate but what we make” - the hidden founders credo.


Added a second intern to the KickoffLabs video content farm today.


You will ship bugs and things that bug you. Probably a bunch.

The hardest part of shipping is knowing when to stop and get it out the door because it’s better than what you had before.

Which may be nothing.


Tonight we fix the bugs.

One bug, two bugs... three bugs!


AI is both over and under hyped.

Some people think #AI is overhyped and that AI products are going to crash hard.

  1. AI predictions are overhyped. Especially anyone that thinks AGI is around the corner. It's not.
  2. AI capabilities today are under-hyped when it comes to how many jobs are going to be displaced.

Knowledge workers, developers, lawyers, etc will learn to work with AI or lose jobs. That's already happening. Just ask the Hollywood writers.

We're on the cusp of developing new ways to work with this alternative form of intelligence. There will be a lot of displacement as companies figure out what that means, but the surface has only been scratched to date.

I've talked to a lot of small startup founders and ALL OF THEM have already figured out a way to save money with AI (replace cheap knowledge work) or expand their product (add-ons that help customers inside the service).

This isn't going to stop. They're just starting and the trends are going to hit big companies soon.

Am I biassed because I'm developing

Sure. It could flop. But worst case I'll be figuring out what the new work models are and how to work better with the new tools AI put's in your backpack.


Josh Ledgard @joshl